Now that those dreary clouds are beginning to part, we are starting to enjoy the beautiful, sunny weather of the summer. That means more cookouts, beach trips, walks in the park, and lazy days by the pool. You've been told your whole life how important sunscreen is to protect the integrity of your skin, but we're going to take this opportunity to remind you one more time.

Take a look at our compilation of sun protection tips & tricks to ensure a

burn-free summer!


Broad Spectrum sunscreen refers to the protection against both UVA and UVB rays.

1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer in the course of a lifetime

SPF must be 15 or higher to block a minimum of 93% of UVB rays.

Water-proof sunscreen still requires reapplication after 80 mins in the water.

Tanning beds increase the risk of melanoma by 75% before the age of 35.

The sun’s harmful rays still reach to the earth’s surface on cloudy days. Sunscreen will not become effective to its maximum potential until it has set into the skin for a minimum of 30 minutes.

Sunscreen is NOT safe for infants under 6 months of age and it only takes 10 minutes for their delicate skin to burn. Hats and full body clothing is imperative for babies in the sun.

Sunscreen expires. It may take up to 2 years for the effectiveness of your sunscreen to expire, but if you are wearing the proper amount in your day-to-day life, one bottle should never survive that long anyway!

Look for non-comedogenic formulas to protect your face so that you won’t clog your pores.


Tan, glowing skin may be a go-to beauty choice for many, but there are other ways to flaunt your style in the sun that offers protection at the same time!

Find yourself a big, floppy hat. Not only are they trending accessories, they guard your face, neck, shoulders, and chest from the sun's rays.

The same logic applies to eyewear. Grab your most glamorous set of sunglasses with UVA and UVB protection and rock them all day long. Believe it or not, the sun's rays can bounce of the sand and water at the beach and damage your eyesight even if you're not looking up to the sky.


Stay hydrated! Its incredible how something as simple as water can make a huge difference in the rehabilitation of damaged skin.

Load up on Vitamins C, E and SE to repair damage caused by free radicals and to prevent them from progressing and becoming cancerous or accelerating the aging process.

If you are ever concerned about your skin and existing damage from previous years in the sun, please see a dermatologist to receive your unique restoration plan.

Once your doctor has provided you with those recommendations, feel free to contact our skilled Estheticians, Jodi and Holly to begin your facial treatments to restore past damage and renew your natural, radiant glow.

Posted on Mon, June 4, 2018 by Lora Portsche